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Evolution of design  3.1 (Sumarised)

Anchor 2

Stage 4 (3.1 building)

Design driver

Creating a physical connection with context

Stage 2 (connecting program)

Stage 3 (Circulation)

Stage 1 (Program)

Design driver

Attraction of Users

Design driver

Incoperating growing space into building design

Design driver

Making whole building disability accessible

Evolution of design  3.2 (Sumarised)

Anchor 1

Stage 5

Design driver

  • Opening up a part of the butchers program to the public

  • Choosing a structural system

Stage 6

Design driver

Creating a growing facade that grows vegetables for the farmers market and can also encourage community gardening programs.

Stage 7

Stage 8

Design driver

  • Roof redesign

  • Building services and systems

Design driver

Considering the wider context of my proposed build and aspects of secondary program

  • facebook
  • Twitter Round
  • flickr
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