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Building Services

Heating and cooling systems

Plant room

Environmental response (lighting)


It is underfloor because fruits will ideally be stored on table tops and not be negatively affected by the heat


The highlighted areas in red are parts of my building that will require insulation. eg. the butchers store because cold temperatures need to be maintained and also the temperature in the toilets should be regulated

I ran different iterations of my building courtyard design through Safaira, a software that allows the user generate daylight visualizations using data from the sun path specific to my site. The best result was iteration 1 which had the broadest opening in the middle, hence maximizing daylight from nearly all angles.

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

Environmental response (Wind)

After taking a look at the primary wind direction in my site, I designed a system that makes use of air currents to passively ventilate and cool my building

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