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Structural logic

Anchor 1

Primary Structure

Secondary Structure

Tertiary Structure

Primary structure is framed i.e. it consists of laminated timber and fir columns and beams. Using the table below for reference, it shows how they efficiently span almost all of the grid system with a maximum average length of 4.2m. The only exceptions are the 6 and 7m spans which make use of composite I beams

This consists of the polycarbonate sheets and the system of rafters and battens that help attach them to the primary structure.

This is made up of the self supporting envelope system detailed below. It consists of coloured plastic panels on the outside and plant boxes on its shelves

Structural grid

Structural grid

Section A-A

Section B-B

Composite timber beam

laminated timber beams

Anchor 2

Span to depth ratio via supplier

Anchor 3

Facade Structure


Column base connector

Angle connectors 1

Base connector (Envelope)

Angle connectors 2

Rafter to purlin connector

corner plate

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