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Anchor 4


Engagement Event

The engagement event helped me to delve even deeper without being noticed into the heart of the community, there I was able to dig up some valuable information. When their needs were run in parallel with the survey from the business plan for the hall conducted in 2013, I was able to identify the needs that were most pressing to the participants. 

Engagement Event Results

From the event it was clear that an addition of new restaurant spaces was the most pressing need to participants across all age groups, followed by a farmers market mostly by the biggest age group (21-59). Then lastly, a performance space. It is also important to mention that many of the elderly age group (60-77) suggested a youth center, hinting at the fact that they may believe the youths in the area aren't engaged  as much as they felt was appropriate.

Validating results 

I came to the realisation that although this event was very helpful, the participants only numbered 69, and it was helpful to compare my results with a similar event organised for the use of the public hall. I  identified links in user needs which are represented in the diagram below
Anchor 5
Suggested uses for the public hall
Suggested program from my event


A space that provides easy build, versatile and affordable retail oppurtunities
A space that provides  seating from which any sort of live performance can be viewed
A space that serves different kinds of cuisines both take away snacks and sit in.


My proposal in response to the needs of the local resident based on their feedback is an overarching farmers market which contains versatile and affordable retail spaces, food kiosks and sitting areas that can possibly be adapted to be used as performance space


A map showing nearby competition (farmers markets). As you can see there are prospects to the west of Manchester as the density of markets there is much lower. Stretford being the closest could possibly be the first point of contact !

Food court and Farmers market
Anchor 6
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