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Roof studies

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3







The most aesthetically interesting


I have the choice to create a structural core that can grow plants

most challenging to create


Core occupies too much space

Maintaining thermal comfort will be more difficult


There is minimal protection from the elements

Lighting wells help to get light to where its needed the most


A grid is versatile and easily adapted 


Easiest and the most cost effective to build

It needs  to be curved to make a space frame, however, if it remains flat  more columns will be needed


A poly-carbonate roof with a glass light well in the middle. It is supported using a structural grid system similar to the under-lying structural grid of the building. A good part of its load is carried by a laminated timber core in the middle, which itself is also lattice-like and  supports plant life. 


A polycarbonate structure placed over a wooden frame. The building can support plant life within it

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